The Top Products for Safe and Restful Baby Sleep

As any parent knows, sleep is a hot topic when it comes to babies. Aside from the obvious of how amazing we feel after a full nights rest, there are some pretty important benefits of healthy sleep patterns for babies. Studies show infant sleep is tied to both cognitive growth as well as physical development. As a parent, it’s our job to help provide our baby with the proper environment to promote a safe and healthy sleep. I’ve listed below some helpful ways to ensure a safe and relaxing environment, bonus points if you get some rest too!

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Grant 8 wks old, visiting my parents.

Crib/Pack and Play

If you’re up to date on the latest ways to help prevent SIDS, cosleeping is unfortunately a top risk factor for this. I’m not going to say I’ve never coslept with either of my babies during some point, while being fully aware of the possible risks associated with it. I have however, always had peace of mind when my boys were in a designated safe space for sleeping. You’ll want to choose what will work best for you and your baby as it may be a bedside bassinet or pack and play in your room, or even your little one sleeping in a crib in their own nursery. We were handed down a Halo bedside bassinet from an old coworker of mine, which we absolutely loved for the first few months for both boys. After outgrowing the Halo, we switched over to a Pack and Play which was still in our room and then transitioned to a crib in their own nurseries.

Grant as a newborn, trying out crib naps.

Mattress and Mattress Pad

For a crib, you’ll want to have a mattress with at least one side being firm for the infant stage. Some mattress are dual sided, meaning you can flip it over during the toddler stage to give your little one more cushion while sleeping. You’ll also want to have a waterproof mattress pad to protect your mattress, and I’d recommend having at least 1 back up in your linen closet.

For a Pack and Play, it is recommended to use only the mattress that it came with for your babies safety. It’s also not recommended by the manufactures to use mattress pads as well, just simply the standard mattress and a fitted sheet on top.

Grant transitioning out of swaddle, his Copper Pearl cactus sheets are my favorite ones!


No matter what type of bed your baby will be sleeping in, there are specific sheets made to fit that item. I can’t get enough of Copper Pearl crib sheets, as their fabric is incredibly soft and washes well. They offer an endless amount of adorable prints and patterns, too! If only they came in king size for our bed! Burts Bees crib sheets have wonderful reviews and are made of 100% organic cotton for a soft and breathable fabric. For pack and plays, Elys & Co. makes ultra soft 100% jersey cotton sheets which have outstanding reviews. They’re patterns are adorable, too.

Sound Machine

Sound machines work a special type of magic on baby sleep. They block out external noises while providing a comforting sound, similar to what they heard in the womb. As the sound machine becomes part of the baby’s sleep routine, it helps signal to the child’s brain that it’s time to sleep. We absolutely love our Hatch sound machines and have both the Hatch Rest and Hatch Rest mini. Many parents love to bring a portable sound machine, such as the Yogasleep Hushh, along on running errands or while taking their baby for a walk in the stroller. You just simply clip it into their carseat and allow your babe to sleep in peace. When visiting my parents, my boys use their Yogasleep Dohm machines. They have a real fan inside with 2 speed/sound levels. My boys sleep like a dream every time they visit them!

Halo swaddle.


Swaddling is highly recommend when it comes to baby sleep. The secure and snug swaddle around their body helps to mimic the comforting and familiar feel from being inside the womb. A safely snug swaddle also helps to mimic a parents soft touch, which triggers a self soothing response in the brain, stabilizes heart rate and blood pressure, in addition to lowering cortisol levels. Swaddling helps to minimize the spontaneous Moro reflex/startle reflex response, allowing for undisturbed sleep. For babies experiencing colic, the light pressure on their stomachs from being swaddled can help provide a soothing effect. According to The American Association of Pediatrics (AAP), swaddling helps to maintain supine sleep for infants (sleeping on their back). Sleeping on their back helps to reduce the risk of SIDS. ALWAYS lay your baby on their back when swaddled.

I absolutely recommend getting a swaddle with velcro on it, like this one from Halo. Not only will it save your sanity in the middle of the night, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing they’re securely swaddled and no fabric will be coming loose and covering their face. Swaddleme also makes a similar and very popular velcro swaddle.

If you’re wanting the adorable swaddle/matching hat sets, Copper Pearl has the sweetest patterns and their fabric is incredible soft. I have so many of their swaddle blankets that I use as blankets in their carseat, for privacy when nursing and even to lay on their activity mat to keep it clean incase they spit up.

We love MAM pacifiers.


Not only do pacifiers help soothe and calm your baby, they can also help them to fall asleep as well as helping to reduce the risk of SIDS. MAM are widely popular and easy to find in your local grocery store, drugstore and online. I love that they make them available in glow in the dark, too. Be sure to remove the pacifier clip, if attached to one, before laying your baby down to sleep.

Blackout Curtains

Using blackout curtains in your baby’s room helps to block out sunlight and outside noises, regulate the temperature in their room, prevent early morning wake ups and allows for a less overstimulating environment. If you’re traveling, these portable shades with suction cups are a great option to take with you so your babe has the perfect sleeping environment.

Baby Monitor

If your child will be sleeping on their on room, or out of sight, you’ll want to have a monitor to keep an eye on them. The options are endless, so narrowing down whether you want your monitor to run off WiFi or on a closed circuit system is helpful in finding the best fit for you. We’ve used the Infant Optics monitor system and have been very happy with it! Having it run on a closed circuit system allows for extra peace of mind knowing hackers can’t get through.


Cool mist humidifiers like the Crane, help to eliminate congestion, ease cold symptoms and help prevent dry skin while promoting a healthy respiratory tract.

Bedtime Routine

Having a bedtime routine helps to signal to your baby’s brain that it’s time for sleep. Bedtime routines are a great way for bonding with your baby, and help your baby fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer provide a better quality of sleep. It doesn’t have to be an hour long event, but can be as simple as feeding, singing a song and then placing in their crib with lights out and sound machine on.

I hope you’ve found this list helpful in ensuring your baby is safely in dreamland! I’d love to hear in the comments below of any tips and must haves for your baby’s sleep!

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